Angels in bookstores and libraries are some of the friendliest, and helpful ‘co-conspirators’ you’ll find in your writing journey. These angels love to help you find the books you’re in need of, whether they’re for research, to help with promotion, or simply those ever important ‘sanity savers’ ( i.e. novels/magazines/comic books you dive into to prevent you from throwing your discordant manuscript under a bus). But they also specialize in directing you towards books and information you’ll need, well before you realize you need it. Meaning, those novels or textbooks of obscure topics you couldn’t possibly imagine have any relevance to your current work . . . and then two weeks down the line you couldn’t imagine having NOT picked up!
So how do you communicate with these amicable and yet frequently underutilized angels? When you enter the book store or library, try sending out a quiet, mental greeting to the angels in that building. Remain open to a response, which may vary from a change in air pressure, a subtle, yet distinct smell, or the feeling of someone ‘smiling’ at you (the most common response I experience). If you are more clairvoyantly inclined, you might experience a mental image of one of the resident angelic helpers. Even if you don’t feel or sense anything, be sure that the simple act of greeting the angels has subconsciously opened you up to their help.
Ready to play a game? The fastest way to embrace the help of the angelic realms – not only in regards to your writing, but in all aspects of your life – is to approach communicating with them with a sense of play. This game works whether you know exactly which book you need, or if you’re not quite sure what you’re after. If you do know what you’re looking for, and especially if you know exactly where the book is located, try instead to be open to finding a publication that might be better suited to your work in progress.
If you’re nervous about receiving help from unwanted, or negative/mischievous entities/spirits, begin by asking God/Goddess/Universe/your chosen deity to surround you with their love and protection, and to allow only the truthful actions of those with good intent to be made known to you. Standing in a quiet spot, close your eyes and mentally ask the angels of the store/library to guide you towards the best book for you to receive in that moment. Ask them to make their guidance clear, and meaningful, and then stay open for a response. Responses can come in several ways, but most commonly, you might feel a tug in your solar plexus to walk in a particular direction, have a sudden inspiration to visit a certain section of the building, or if you’re visually inclined, you may get a mental flash of an arrow pointing in the direction you need to head. Whatever type of guidance you get, follow its prescribed direction immediately.
What if you don’t feel/see/hear anything? Ask yourself some questions before continuing – are you feeling stressed? Are you rushed? Are you nervous? Have you discounted anything will happen before you’ve given yourself a chance to be open to the experience? This game does require you to give yourself permission to put your daily stresses aside, and just spend some time living ‘in the moment’ – no worrying about deadlines/kids/bills/partners/workloads. If you’re struggling to let go of these issues before you give this game a try, envision handing your concerns to the angels for the duration of your stay in the building, grab a drink of water to help refresh yourself, and stabilise your body’s systems, and try again. If you still aren’t able to consciously perceive any signals, signs or body shifts, stay open, and start taking a relaxed walk around the shelves and stands, and see what ‘jumps out’ at you.
Follow those signs and signals from the library/bookstore angels with enthusiasm, but also be aware of what people are saying around you, anything that catches your eye, or for subtle changes in the room temperature (outside of air conditioners/blow heaters kicking in, of course). All of these things can be added clues as to the book or magazine you’re supposed to be looking for. If at any time you feel you’ve ‘lost the signal’, stop, take a deep breath, and ask the angels to show you again which way to go. When you’ve finally landed at a book shelf stacked high and wide with gleaming titles, take another deep breath, and ask the angels to help you ‘laser in’ on the right title. Sometimes you may be directed to more than one book – if you are unable to take both home with you, try holding one in each hand, and quietly asking which would be most appropriate for you in that moment. You may feel a tingle, a more positive association towards, or even a heaviness in the hand holding the ‘best’ book.
What if you feel the books you’re directed towards are the absolute worst books you could have been given? This happens sometimes, and when it does, it’s usually a sign of a blockage in ourselves, rather than a misguidance on the part of the angels. You’re in no way obligated to purchase or pick up those books – your free will guarantees you of that. However, discordant triggers in ourselves are usually indicators that we are suffering with denial, close-mindedness towards ideas and views differing from our own, or an instance of severe stubbornness. In these cases, the suggestion is to take down the name and author of the book suggested, and keep it close at hand in the next few weeks. Chances are excellent that you will experience an instance where having that information within reach will be extremely beneficial – whether your story/article takes a sudden shift and it turns out you do need that book you initially rejected, or someone else around you suddenly needs information on that particular subject, and you’re able to extend a well-timed helping hand.
Whether you walk out of the building with a book in hand, or not, be sure to thank the angels for their assistance, and be willing to ask for assistance the next time you’re in any library or bookstore. The angels enjoy being an integral part of our lives, and our appreciation for their services is cherished!
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