Monday, March 22, 2010
Cheater’s Brain Stabbed in Wallhack Brawl
An Adventure, Part 4
Reading over the note again, you decide that maybe it’d be best if you just met up with Jack at Dot’s in a little bit. You’re not exactly sure what path he took, and you don’t want to chance running into whatever caused that bloodloss in the front. After thinking it over a bit, you also decide it might be a decent idea to grab some provisions and throw them in your Jeep, just in case.
After rooting aorund the house for a bit, you find some bottled water, some canned tuna and crackers, and some trail bars. All in all, not a bad haul. You also manage to find a box of ammo, another forty-eight rounds.
Guess the gun was Jack’s, then, you think. Wonder why he left it?
After gathering the gear, you think that maybe it’s best to just shelter up in Jack’s room until it’s time to meet him. You already cleared the house, so you know it’s safe enough, and it’s better than driving aorund while god-knows-what is going on. You look around for something to do, and notice a shelf of books in the corner. Since you have nothing better to do, you grab a much-read copy of At The Mountains of Madness and set to reading.
What seems like moments later, you hear an enormous explosion. You realize that you had fallen asleep, and after checking your watch, you see that three hours have gone by.
Jumping up, you run to the window to see just what exactly is going on. Though it’s still dark, the residual effects of the explosion light up the horizon, along with what look like several small fires to the north.
I hope Jack’s okay, you think. That’s right about where he said he’s be.
Still feeling safer in the house, you wait out the remaining several hours, the trudge down to your Jeep with your new gear and start it up, warier than ever.
You drive slowly, watching carefully for any movement, any sign of life. And there is still none. No animals running around, not even a breeze running through the trees. Absolutely nothing. It’s eery. Of course, reading Lovecraft earlier was probably not the best decision, but at least Mountains is an interesting read.
It doesn’t take you long to get to Dot’s, and the first thing you take notice of is the fact that there are a few other cars parked outside. You recognize one as Jack’s pickup.
Stepping out of the Jeep, you see the dingy bar as a beacon of hope. A glimmer of light shines through the covered windows, the first real sign you’ve seen of other life. You hurry across the lot and into Dot’s.
Inside, you’re greeted with about a half-dozen faces, two of whom you know. One–Jack–smiles as you enter, nodding in your direction. The other just looks at you then turns back to the radio she had been working on. Dot always was a woman to keep busy. You wave.
Jack speaks up.
“Well, folks, that about wraps up the crew I’ve been trying to put together. This here is one of my best friends, and–like the rest of us–a pretty smart cookie. We can use the help on this.”
Jack looks back over at you, then points around the room, first to a young woman holding a large shotgun. “This is Mary MacGregor, one of my old friends from Harvard. She was visiting a mutual friend of ours when the ‘event’ happened.”
He ushers to an older couple. “Doctors Harry and Samantha Foore, local doctors from the other side of town. They saw me leaving town earlier and I told them where to meet.”
Finally, he points at the last two men, both larger and very muscular. “And these two lovely gentleman are Sergeant Ryan Connor and Private Shane Dodson. I picked them up at the temporary military base the Amry’s got built up north. They’ll pretty much back up everything I have to say.”
He looks around the room again, the opens his arms. “Well, folks, we’re sure in the shit-hole on this one. Something seriously bad is going on up north, and the Army isn’t letting anyone in that area. I took some of the back roads and cut across Ol’ Shaw’s field, but I got some idea of what might have happened. And trust me, it ain’t good. What it looks like happened was–”
He didn’t get to finished. Before he could, another massive explosion shook the bar. The windows blew out, throwing all of you to the ground. Your ears hurt from the concussion, but you seemed to be okay. No blood, at least.
Shaking your head, you get to your feet, looking around. What you see turns your stomach.
Four armed soldiers–probably Army–are standing over you and your compatriots, assault rifles trained on you. You see that everyone else is much the same as you–dazed, confused, but not damaged. Except for Mary…you don’t see Mary anywhere.
Then Jack catches your eye. He has a hand behind his back, where you see a large revolver held.
Mary must be behind the bar, you think, waiting with that shotgun.
And you. You have a pistol. So what do you do? Do you follow Jack’s lead and defend yourselfs? Of course, you don’t know what’s going on yet, and these guys are the Army. They’re supposed to be the goos guys, right? Maybe you should warm them, tell Jack not to do anything stupid. Or maybe you should just cut all and run. The door is wide open. So what’ll it be? What’re you going to do?
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Games Komputer - Kecanduan Game Komputer

games komputer
Dengan kenaikan besar popularitas – dan keterjangkauan – dari komputer permainan komputer dan peralatan Forum Komputer kecanduan permainan komputer menjadi semakin lebih luas. Ditambahkan ke fakta-fakta tersebut koneksi internet kecepatan tinggi dan kehandalan koneksi Komputer Second ini berarti bahwa internet game dapat dimainkan terus menerus tanpa kehilangan koneksi dan Membuat Komputer ini juga dapat memberikan kontribusi yang signifikan terhadap kecanduan.
Hal ini semakin lebih umum bahwa pemain game online menghabiskan lebih banyak waktu di depan komputer mereka membangun karakter virtual mereka dan lingkungan ke tingkat yang lebih tinggi dengan demikian Pengenalan Komputer bersaing dengan pemain online lainnya. Kecanduan ini merupakan cara bagi orang untuk melarikan diri dari kehidupan mereka yang biasa di dunia nyata. Seringkali fantasi mengatasi kenyataan.
Ada beberapa cara untuk menentukan apakah seseorang menderita kecanduan permainan komputer. Pertama dan tanda peringatan paling penting adalah jika mereka menghabiskan ke atas Keamanan Komputer dari jam sehari di depan komputer mereka bermain game. Setiap perubahan dalam kepribadian misalnya mudah Tutorial Komputer tersinggung ledakan amarah penarikan sosial. Ini adalah indikator yang biasanya baik kecanduan adalah memegang. Pengobatan kecanduan ini harus segera dilaksanakan segera setelah tanda-tanda peringatan menyadarinya.
Itu mungkin hanya karena permainan komputer pecandu kehilangan semua jejak waktu saat bermain game Komputer Murah nya. Anda dapat memerangi tanda-tanda ini dengan menempatkan timer sederhana dekat dengan komputer mereka. Apakah itu ditetapkan untuk satu set jumlah waktu biasanya dua jam adalah awal yang baik . Menyarankan kepada para pecandu bahwa begitu timer berbunyi mereka harus mengambil nafas dan melakukan sesuatu yang lain. Menunjukkan bahwa berjalan-jalan Penggunaan Komputer di sinar matahari dan udara segar akan membersihkan kepala dan pikiran mereka.
Ini adalah salah satu cara dalam upaya untuk Komputer Indonesia mengurangi jumlah waktu yang dihabiskan oleh pecandu pada komputer bermain game pada komputer mereka. Ada orang lain dan sedikit kecerdikan akan bekerja keajaiban. Meskipun tidak ada obat cepat semalam untuk kecanduan permainan komputer itu harus be menyadari that itu adalah proyek long-term yang perlu bekerja pada dari hari-hari tanpa gagal.
Friday, March 19, 2010
Next Generation PaperBoy
Paperboy is a 1984 arcade game by AtariGames. The players take the role of a paperboy who delivers newspapers along a suburban street on his bicycle.
Originally developed by : Carl Bedard, John Salwitz, Dave Ralston, Russel Dawe.
[Click Here To Play]
I have created a re-make/spin-off of this once popular game. In this version you need to toss the paper to an array of people lined up. The more successful the more points. There are people that AREN’T supposed to receive the paper and you will receive a deduction for delivering to them.
Partini (Adult Party Games) Was $32.99 Now $12.99
An Adult Party Game with a Delicious Twist! Gather up a crowd of party pals and take your next event from good to great with PARTINI! It’s the party game for the laugh-out-loud crowd! Play six fun games with a delicious twist–and entertain your party pals for hours! Mime Twist – Zip your lip and act it out!Hum Punch – Hum it up in a musical challenge with no singing allowed!Clay Smoothie – Mold and fold clay into objects that your teammates might recognize.What Nots – Can you describe something by saying what it’s NOT?Straight Up – How well do you know your teammates? Write something true or funny about someone. Will you get picked for telling it like it is?Shooters – Ready, aim, and fire plastic balls into plastic cups. With a dash of drama, a splash of laughs and a double shot of silliness, you’ve got a happy hour that will last all evening long! Includes 35 coasters, 500 cards, 5 plastic cups, 2 plastic balls, modeling clay, pad of paper, 4 pencils, die and instructions. For 4 or more players. Was $32.99 Now $12.99 SB Link Address
Please click on the following link to visit this daily featured deal.
Deal Address Click Here
Wednesday, March 17, 2010
[Part 1] Making an Online Game with Ruby
I’ve decided to make an online game with Ruby, yay for masochism! I mean, yay for challenges!
Lets break it down:
- A simple multiplayer dungeon crawler
- I will use Ruby, as it’s my favorite language, and this blog happens to be about Ruby, imagine that!
- I will use Rubygame as my game dev library
- For simplicity, I will use an HTTP server and sinatra as my web framework to help make things easier
- I’ll be talking about my development experiences here on rubygamedev
I’ve got some code written, which I’ll throw on github sometime soon. It’s not yet a game, so the jury’s still out on whether or not it’ll be fun…